Improving your business credit score is similar to improving your personal credit score. Increasing your business credit rating allows you to get more credit via loans or credit cards, and also lowers your interest rates. Below we outline common ways to increase your business credit.
- Make your payments on time. This is one of the most important things you can do for your business credit score.
Keep your debt levels low. Ideally you should only use 20-30% of your available credit.
- Use your credit. Don’t forget about the last rule, but using some of your available credit will actually increase your business credit score.
- Check your credit report: Make sure there are no errors. Just one mistake can seriously hurt your credit rating. You can check your credit score at Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax
- Make sure your vendors are reporting your payments. If they do not report your payments, ask them to do so, or change to a company that will.
- Don’t close business credit cards in good standing. Doing so will hurt your business credit score.
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If you need assitance with your business accounting, call Saint Louis accountant James Coats at (314) 645-1614.
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